国际工作坊师生作品多次在国际化舞台上展示,包括:法国卢浮宫国际艺术联创联展、伦敦国际电子可视化与艺术会议(EVA London)、国际华人人机交 互设计大会交互艺术展(Chinese CHI Art Gallery) 、英国皇家艺术射龙门扑克牌 新媒体艺术展等,构建国际化课程“艺术作品+ 国际展览+课程网站+特色教材 ”多层次 展示与推广平台。其中,智能手工艺国际工作坊课程被评为广东省一流本科课程、新华网新华思政示范课,发挥着引领教学质量的示范作用。
Works of the International Workshop have been displayed on the international stage for many times, including: International Art Joint Creation Exhibition in Louvre, France(Les jeux Artistiques); International Electronic Visualisation and Art Conference in London (EVA London); International Chinese Human-Computer Interaction Design Conference Interactive Art Exhibition (Chinese CHI Art Gallery); New Media Art Exhibition of Royal College of Art, UK, etc., which builds up a multi-level
display and promotion platform for the internationalized courses, "art works + international exhibitions + curriculum website + textbooks".
The Smart Handicrafts Design International Workshop was awarded as a first-class undergraduate course in Guangdong Province and a model course of Civics and Politics Xinhua News. International teaching in our school is playing an exemplary role in leading the quality of teaching and learning.
Open design is the development of products through the use of publicly shared design information. Download OpenDesign is a collaborative project between the Guangdong University of Technology (Guangzhou, China), the Esdir school of design (Logro?o, Spain) and the Esdap Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain). Read more through --- //downloadopendesign.com/
Future Extension laboratory of School of Art and Design, GDUT, is focus on new media in the direction of research, teaching and learning. It regularly holds international workshops, online courses, academic exchanges among professional researchers, teachers, artist at home and abroad. Read more through --- //www.fe-artlab.com/view_454.html
新设计·国际教师联合工作坊实践教程 New design: a practice guide to international collaborative workshop